4.5/5 Based on Carl Sagan's novel of the same name, it is an inspiring film about the exploration of the unknown, which is the eternal theme of the progress of humanity. Also inspired Nolan's Interstellar (2014). The determination of space exploration despite obstacles ahead is the same in these two films. In Interstellar, the drive is more understandable as the space voyage harbours hope for saving mankind. In Contact, the motivation is seeking answers to big questions and the scientific truth. Exceptionally played by Jodie Foster, the brilliant and strong-minded female protagonist is a firm-believer and pursuer of science.
结局公主牺牲我是真的万万没想到,还以为公主王子能有happy ending呢...《一马双跨BY折枚针》作为奇幻电影来说很合格了,故事虽然中规中矩,但是造型和特效制作很下功夫,已满十八岁请带好纸的歌词尤其是看3D版的,草原和烟花都真的很美。